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Due to precautions related to COVID-19, we have expanded our options for remote consultations. Please contact our office to discuss whether a full phone consultation or video conference is appropriate for your situation.

DUI penalties in Colorado

Colorado is one of the few states that penalizes drivers with a blood alcohol content below 0.08%. The threshold for a driving while ability impaired charge is just 0.05% and carries most of the same penalties as a charge of driving under the influence (0.08%...

Do I need UIM Coverage?

Many clients who come to our office unfortunately do not have Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (“UIM”) insurance coverage. Most of those times, the client simply does not know what UIM is, or it was never fully explained to him or her. “Do I need UIM coverage?” is a...

What will the DMV do after a DUI?

What will the DMV do after a DUI? The Department of Motor Vehicles (“DMV”) can take your license if you are convicted of DUI. But even before you are convicted, the DMV can take your license. That’s because, in DUI cases, the penalties you face from the DMV are...

What is bail?

What is bail? And how is it set? If you’re arrested, getting out of jail—“bailing out”—is your top priority. Bail allows you to stay out of jail while you are facing the charges against you. Your bail bond is essentially a written promise that you make to the court....

Will I lose my license for a DUI?

Will I lose my license for a DUI? Losing your license can be one of the most serious consequences of a DUI. It affects your ability to drive to work, make it to appointments, or otherwise get around during the day. When you’re charged with DUI, you’re looking at...